Call Sign : DOLOMOTI
Facts about Air Dolomiti
Air Dolomiti operates from 19 airports of which 15 are based in Italy.
The others are Dresden, Frankfurt, Munich, and Vienna.
View the full size photo! Air Dolomiti I-ADJO Embraer 190-200IGW Frankfurt Rhein-Main Int'l Airport - EDDF
Air Dolomiti
Embraer 190-200IGW
AIR DOLOMITI customer review : 7 April 2010 by Tommy Desmet (Belgium)
Trip Rating : 8/10
Score 8 out of 10
Air Dolomiti, founded in 1989, started operations in 1991 and is now
part of the Lufthansa Group.
Book Air Dolomiti flights on OneTravel and save big on airline
tickets! Air Dolomiti, a regional airline based in Verona in Italy is
named after the section of the
Currently CheapOair is offering sale on Air Dolomiti reservations for
a limited time only, take advantage of these special offers by booking
Air Dolomiti Airlines Flights: For All Your Airfare Needs
Find Your Air Dolomiti Flights
Air Dolomiti Flights
Air Dolomiti Airlines has flights that serve the following
Please note: this list only includes Air Dolomiti Airlines and not any
code-share or partner
Air Dolomiti British Aerospace 146-300 @ Frankfurt - Rhein-Main
International (FRA / EDDF) © Thorsten Urbanek
Open Photo: I-ADJF - Air Dolomiti - British Aerospace 146-300 I-ADJF
Air Dolomiti British
Air Dolomiti suspend ses vols Vienne - 11 juin 2010
Découvrez aussi d'autres actualités et communiqués de presse Air
Dolomiti moins récents.
To book a cheap flight with Air Dolomiti, choose from the list of
flights with Air Dolomiti below, or use the links at the side of the
page to browse for more flight information.
livery of Air Dolomiti in the hot Sardinian sun.
2010 - Air Dolomiti (EN/Verona) is again about to terminate most
of its own services.
Air Dolomiti is based in Verona, Italy.
Air Dolomiti SpA operates as a subsidiary of Deutsche Lufthansa
Airline information: overview Air Dolomiti EN The departure check-in
area of "Air Dolomiti" (Iata-Code: EN) is located in Terminal 2,
Arrival (Level 03), Departure (Level 04) and Check-in Z, Munich
The airline Air Dolomiti was founded in 1989 in Italy. Air Dolomiti's
fleet comprises of 19 planes, including the following types ATR,
British Aerospace, Embraer.
100% E-Ticketing: Air Dolomiti Plans To Begin
Published August 9, 2007 Air Dolomiti , Lufthansa , Lufthansa Systems
, Star Alliance , airline , airline IT , aviation , balint01
Air Dolomiti decides for navigation charts from Lufthansa Systems
Source: Lufthansa Systems
Air Dolomiti will fly with the navigation charts from
The Air Dolomiti consists of the following aircraft (at August 2010).
Air Dolomiti is an Italian regional airline founded in 1991.
* Air dolomiti for you
* Models aeroplane
Germany (EDDM) with Air Dolomiti ATR-72-500 which is a very nice
small turbo-prop.
Air Dolomiti on Final Approach to Marko Polo Airport
Air Dolomiti on Final Approach to Marko Polo Airport
Air Dolomiti was founded in 1989, the fruit of the enthusiasm of an
Italian entrepreneur, Alcide Leali, who foresaw the strategic
potential of a market thus far
He volado tres veces con Air Dolomiti con la ruta Torino Monaco di
Baviera y confirmo una impresion muy positiva.
Air Dolomiti, Italian regional company of Lufthansa Group and member
of Lufthansa Regional and Amarone Families make quality fly high.